Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hairstyles and their Biographies.


This is the introduction to the "Random Thoughts" section. I could dress it up as something more exciting like "Thoughtful Musings." However, that would mean that they are somehow profound. Random Thoughts are simply jokes I'm not creative enought to bring to proper fruition.

Random Thought # 1 : The Pictures in of Hair Styles in Salons are Utterly Ridiculous.

Being the paragon of style that I am, I only get styling at the most upscale boutiques. I happen to get my perfect locks pruned at little place called Great Clips. I know that $12 is more than Tred Safe shoe assembler makes in month. I get the same uninspired style everytime I go; it may be plain but at least it's not one of those weird styles that send all the wrong messages. Let's take a brief journey through the world of hair. =

Let's Take a look at this fellow. His name is Danny Coyle. After experimenting with both men and women, but he ultimately decided no one was good enough for him. (He is actively looking to clone himself for the perfect mate.)

Actually, Danny believes that everthing he does is so incredibly profound that it makes everyone else's lives insignificant to him. Danny often sighs and looks for an escape from you as soon as you shake his hand. If he can stand you, he might tell you about how a coffee he bought that morning gave a thought. And that thought will change your world.

How about the guy on the right. He's Ashton Kutcher's lesser-known cousin Cloud. Cloud has a had a rough run of things the last few years. He broke his foot his senior year and missed most of his final LaCrosse season. After that his girlfriend Vanessa left him and he decided that being a minor luminary in the white aristocracy was not for him. He rebelled, vowed to get back at "everyone" by commiting class suicide. He got a job, sold his beamer, bought a bike and moved to an upper-middle class neighborhood. The dirty work of managing baristas has toughned Cloud's outlook on life. But he's still sensitive to three things: LaCrosse, sunlight and Vanessa

I have been informed that this guy on my right is actually famous. That's irrelevant to my point. If a middle-aged man has hair that is too sylish it screams one thing:

"I left the mother of my children for a younger woman."

Actually there is an more rare alternate message:
" I'm the kind of gay man the makes women sink deeper into their Haagen-Dazs induced coma."

Why do salons show pictures of people we don't want to emulate, wearing products we don't want. I mean we walk into McDonalds and the picture helps us decide what we want. Since this is a visual post I leave you with a final choice. Pick whichever product is more appealing. (Sorry Vegetarians!)



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